wa•di \ˈwä-dē\ noun [Arabic wādi] 1828 1: the bed or valley of a stream in regions of southwestern Asia and northern Africa that is usually dry except during the rainy season and that often forms an oasis

Friday, December 5, 2014

Life in Death

In the weeks since my baptism and freedom of fully and completely giving my life to Christ, I have been on this journey. A journey to let go of my life and embrace the freedom that God gives us when we follow Him. 

Now you might say, "Michelle, we get this. You said as much in your last post." Yes, you're right I did. But I've recently started reading a book. And by recently I mean today. This book is about feeling restless in our lives and realizing where he stands in our relationship with him. I'm two and a half chapters in and it's already challenging me to do better. 

I'm talking about death. Not in the full literal, heart stops beating sense. I'm talking about how we need to die to ourselves if we ever want to experience life and growth. 

In John 12, there's a quote from Jesus that I'm sure you've heard in many sermons and Sunday school classes. Verse 24 and 25 say this - "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life." 

Now, I don't know if you understand much about how seeds work, but say you take some wheat. It has to go through life and death before life can spring forth again and bear new fruit. Jennie Allen says it better than I would ever be able to. In Restless: Because You Were Made for More, she puts it like this, "A seed comes from the living flesh of a fruit. But it will never be more than a hard nuisance that gets stuck in our teeth, unless it is buried in the ground. And even then, in the dark, it is encased with a thick shell— dead and hard. But under the dirt, at some point, flesh is birthed out of something lifeless. It breaks through and pushes to the surface; it moves and grows, running up and out of something that was dead. Now it’s alive— now it brings life."

Ok, so maybe this is old news to you and you've got it all figured out. Good for you. I encourage you to never forget that God asks for us to surrender each and everyday to Him. For someone like me who has an independent streak as long as the Great Wall, it's hard. I don't like doing what other people tell me to do. My family can attest to this. Sometimes I do the opposite of what they suggest just because I'd much rather do my own thing. And let me tell you, this is hard to overcome even in my walk with God.  I'm scared that God is going to ask me to do something that I absolutely do not want to do. I'm scared that he is going to take things and people from my life because in the end it is not what he has planned for my life. But that's the beauty of it. Since his plan is ultimately better than anything we could ask or imagine, there is nothing to be afraid of. When we rest in the comfort if his embrace and dreams he will take care of us, if we just die to ourselves and let him fill us again with his life and breath. 

When we live a life with abandon, we live asking God to have his way. We allow him to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine. In the end, it will be more rewarding than the plans and dreams and goals we had for ourselves. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Somethin' in the water.

Baptism. Whoo. What fun times. I cannot express enough the joy I felt in celebrating the work God has been doing in my life! I'm about to get real with you right now, so hold on if ya can. 

This story starts about 16 years ago in the long days of a 5 year old girl. This little girl loved her grandma so much a drank in the stories she told of this Jesus character that seemed pretty cool. In her five year old wisdom, she decided she wanted to hang out with this cool cat who came to save her from awful terrible things. 

Fast forward about ten years. That little girl isn't so little anymore and she's gotten in to the "real life" of high school. Needless to say, it sucked. Life wasn't peachy and she started to wonder about this whole God thing. Was it real? Why didn't He seem close like so many people talked about? By and by, the opportunity came to go hang out with about 50,000 family members. Boy. Was that ever an experience. In those moments God worked His way down deep into that not so little girl's heart and settled in for the long haul. 

However, that little girl was independent to a fault and pride and the need for control kept her from handing over the reins to the one who promises to give us the best. So there she was, fully commited to God but not fully willing to say "Ok, God. You can have all of me."

Fast forward again to the end of high school and beginning of college. She was excited! God had shown her amazing things through her youth group and she was ready to take on the world...only she didn't realize that it took more than just going to the right groups like she had been doing. She had to fully dig in and work at the growth on her own. Needless to say, she didn't quite conquer that part of life. 

By the grace of God the story does not end there. God continued to work on the little girl's heart to let go and let Him take control of her life and make it the most beautiful it could be. If only she would be willing to humble herself and pronounce His glory. 

And once she did, wow. The freedom. Freedom from the pride. Freedom from the worry. Freedom from the lies of the evil one saying that it was shameful to wait that long and it was best to keep quiet and keep living life. 

Let me tell you, friends. The life since that day and forward are not easy. Everyday is work and everyday I need to remind myself that He is good and He's got my back and all I need to do is dig in and lean into His word and love. 

So there it is. His work in my life in a nutshell. It's taken a while for this to come about because I wanted to let the words be real, but it was important to finish because God's story doesn't end here and it all needs to be shouted from the mountaintop! But seeing as I live in the flattest state, that's not a real likely possibility. 

Rest in His peace friends.