wa•di \ˈwä-dē\ noun [Arabic wādi] 1828 1: the bed or valley of a stream in regions of southwestern Asia and northern Africa that is usually dry except during the rainy season and that often forms an oasis

Sunday, June 24, 2012


I was talking with a friend today about the American society and the concept of the American dream. Everyone has some kind of dream and I'm totally not saying that's a bad thing. I just think we've lost the truth in the Word of God when He tells us that He WILL provide everything we need. This is in complete contrast to the American dream. The American dream is all about being self sufficient and providing for yourself and your family. This dream has the white picket fence in the perfect neighborhood with play groups every week for the kids. It's having everything you want and still having the money to pay for life in general. Why? Honestly, if you look at all the stuff in your house or room or wherever, you will see plenty of stuff that you could live without. I am the exact same way. It's a part of showing people that we are living well because we have all this..stuff. That's not what God wants for our lives at all. He wants people to see that our lives are great because he is living in us and making changes in our lives. A lot of churches have adopted the "prosperity gospel" mindset. They tell the people what they want to know, not what they need to know. They tell people that by believing in Christ they would receive everything they want and be prosperous in this life. Their whole mission is to draw as many people to their church as possible, so they will remain "healthy". All this does is make for some very watered down Christians in a self minded society.

Just take a look at any part of the Bible. God gave challenges to the Israelites to prove their strength and devotion. Jesus challenged his followers to be radical in the ways of the world and stand apart, be different. Not blending in with the rest of the world. 2 Corinthians 6 says "to go out and be separate." it doesn't say to stay in and do what they do. Romans 12:2 tells us "not to conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of our mind." He wants to renew the way we think about what is necessary. Its a change from our pre-Christ mentality to our post-Christ mentality. Nowhere in the Bible does God promise an easy life, that's just what some people think we deserve. And we don't. God is the one who deserves everything part of who we are, not vice versa.

Just remember this. The Word of God is not a palatable teaching. It was written to convict, challenge, and change. There needs to be a change in life in response to his word. He never promised that we would have an easy life. Just one that is in close relationship with him.