This story starts about 16 years ago in the long days of a 5 year old girl. This little girl loved her grandma so much a drank in the stories she told of this Jesus character that seemed pretty cool. In her five year old wisdom, she decided she wanted to hang out with this cool cat who came to save her from awful terrible things.
Fast forward about ten years. That little girl isn't so little anymore and she's gotten in to the "real life" of high school. Needless to say, it sucked. Life wasn't peachy and she started to wonder about this whole God thing. Was it real? Why didn't He seem close like so many people talked about? By and by, the opportunity came to go hang out with about 50,000 family members. Boy. Was that ever an experience. In those moments God worked His way down deep into that not so little girl's heart and settled in for the long haul.
However, that little girl was independent to a fault and pride and the need for control kept her from handing over the reins to the one who promises to give us the best. So there she was, fully commited to God but not fully willing to say "Ok, God. You can have all of me."
Fast forward again to the end of high school and beginning of college. She was excited! God had shown her amazing things through her youth group and she was ready to take on the world...only she didn't realize that it took more than just going to the right groups like she had been doing. She had to fully dig in and work at the growth on her own. Needless to say, she didn't quite conquer that part of life.
By the grace of God the story does not end there. God continued to work on the little girl's heart to let go and let Him take control of her life and make it the most beautiful it could be. If only she would be willing to humble herself and pronounce His glory.
And once she did, wow. The freedom. Freedom from the pride. Freedom from the worry. Freedom from the lies of the evil one saying that it was shameful to wait that long and it was best to keep quiet and keep living life.
Let me tell you, friends. The life since that day and forward are not easy. Everyday is work and everyday I need to remind myself that He is good and He's got my back and all I need to do is dig in and lean into His word and love.
So there it is. His work in my life in a nutshell. It's taken a while for this to come about because I wanted to let the words be real, but it was important to finish because God's story doesn't end here and it all needs to be shouted from the mountaintop! But seeing as I live in the flattest state, that's not a real likely possibility.
Rest in His peace friends.
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