wa•di \ˈwä-dē\ noun [Arabic wādi] 1828 1: the bed or valley of a stream in regions of southwestern Asia and northern Africa that is usually dry except during the rainy season and that often forms an oasis

Monday, August 5, 2013

Summers of grace.

Coming to my last week here this summer, I've really been thinking about how absolutely blessed I have been to have been able to spend the past two summers here in Nebraska. They have been some of the fastest and most gratifying months of my life and I want to tell you why. 

Reason #1. The kids. These kids are great. Yes, even in their messed up lives. I can't tell you just how much each and every one of them has carved out a piece of my heart. They are really something special. Last year I came into this job knowing that I might have some sort of an impact on their lives, but it amazes me just as much how they have changed mine as well. Not in a bad way, promise. Part of me wants to stay in these kids lies forever..which I know isn't possible. 

Reason #2. The dependence. As amazing as this job has been it is also incredibly mentally and emotionally taxing. I don't think I have ever gotten to such a low on regards to stamina. I've been waking up every morning praying that God would give me the energy and mental strength to get through the day ahead of me. Those were the days that were the best for me because it was all because of Him. Nothing I could have done would have made any sort of a difference in that. 

Reason #3. The relationships. The staff here are amazing. Hands down. I would call on them for anything because I know they would be there. There is that underlying understanding between all of us because we have all been there. Something about Grace grows us together because we know we have to rely on each other and trust each other to be there. Each and every one of them is such a warrior for Christ and I love it. It is encouraging for myself to work with such solid people. Being here has given me lifelong friends who I am so thankful to know personally. 

1 comment:

  1. So much how we felt the months we worked at Grace. I could say ditto, ditto, ditto!!! #2 is probably the most important lesson you can ever learn though!
    Blessings at retreat and on the bike rides!!
    Shine on for Jesus!!
