wa•di \ˈwä-dē\ noun [Arabic wādi] 1828 1: the bed or valley of a stream in regions of southwestern Asia and northern Africa that is usually dry except during the rainy season and that often forms an oasis

Sunday, January 6, 2013

My chains are gone. But are they really?

God has recently set a fire in my heart for the people who are trapped in modern day slavery. I don't know how many people actually know what a problem slavery is in today's society. Around the world, there are 27 MILLION men, women, and children being forced to do things every day that we can't imagine for ourselves. Every day, evil people are exploiting these people's lives. Such that, they can no longer live a normal life. They face death in the far every day and we don't reach out to them in an effort to alleviate their suffering.

I was thinking today that our "first world" societies are much like the Capitol in the "Hunger Games." Our products and services come from people who are forced to provide such for nothing. Thy don't get to see the fruits of their labor and we are oblivious to their pain, much the the citizens of the Capitol were. We take without thinking about where these things come from. All of these people are calling for freedom. And all of us have the ability to make a difference in some way. Our God is the God of immeasurably more, don't limit the work He would be able to do through you.

I encourage you to go to slaveryfootprint.org and find out how many slaves you have working for you. It won't be pleasant but the only way to start the transformation and give freedom to the lives of the oppressed is to understand how much you support the slave industry without realizing it. I need to give you a fair warning though, once you understand and see there will be no going back.

Even if you can't do anything you can go to enditmovement.com and sign the pledge to spread the word and encourage 10 of your friends to do the same thing.

God has given us love and freedom and we shouldn't keep it for ourselves. Once we became His, we were no longer our own. His breath is in us and we need to share the awesome life He has given us. I challenge you to let God work in and change your life and for you to not be afraid of the direction He gives you, no matter which direction it may take you. God has done amazing things for me and I want Him to do the same thing for you.

1 comment:

  1. This is very good Michelle, I saw pictures on Facebook and was very curious. Thank you for sharing!
