Love. One of those four letter words that defines much of our human existence. Every girl wants to hear it when they find "the ONE." Almost every movie made in today's society has the phrase "I love you" in it at least once. My point is our perspective of what love is supposed to be is a little skewed. Everyone wants to feel loved and accepted and our culture simply tells them to find it in the nearest guy who will give her the time of day or in temporary experiences that he should use to define the kind of man he is. It depresses me that we have gotten to this state in our world where the ones who are in a relationship with the one true Love are unable or unwilling to step out and embrace the lost in our world. The issue of love is not a new one. Christians (and everyone else) have been struggling with it for centuries. I don't intend to solve the issue in one blog. Never that. That's impossible for one person to accomplish. Only by an act of God will anything be changed dramatically.
I think the best way to start letting God's love shine through us is to start loving our brothers and sisters. In my experience, Christians can be some of the worst when it comes to judging others. Why this happens, I don't have an answer. It could be that we get up on a high horse and think we are better than everyone who's not a Christian. Or maybe we don't take into consideration that not everyone has the same values as us. Whatever the case, churches are one of the most avoided places because people feel JUDGED when they enter. My friends, this should just not be so. When asked, Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God. The second is to love your neighbor as yourself. Now I know a lot of people have heard that verse over and over, but are you REALLY hearing it? Scripture can't be read and then forgotten when you put the Bible down. It has to be allowed to sink in and affect change in our lives. I deal with it too. I could be tired or in a rush so I'll read a couple verses and run off and completely forget. James talks about that as well, but that's for another time.
In John 13, Jesus talks about this concept of loving our brothers and sisters. He says the world should be able to tell we are Christians by the example we set in loving one another. And I'm not just talking about your best friends. I'm talking about the outcasts and the downtrodden and the people who don't naturally draw your attention. I struggle with this too. I'll feel that nudge that says, "Go talk to them." And I ignore it. I don't want to get involved. I don't really like them. I make up excuses to stop that little nudge. But honestly, this is what Jesus was talking about. We HAVE to step out of our comfort zone and embrace them. It could be just what they need.
Please don't let your "comfort zone" get in the way of doing the work of the kingdom of God. I pray He opens your eyes to see those who need help and gives you the spirit and courage to act upon what you see.
Great job of communicating!