There are days when we are doing work for the good of the Kingdom, but it doesn't seem like anything is coming of it. I know. I've been there. I'm there now. When you work with kids who don't want to be here and don't want to have anything to do with the Good News that you try and expose them to at every opportunity, you can get very discouraged. You may think, "why, God??" But really, seeds are being planted even if you may not think there is any fruit. Take heart, my friends!! Spread the seed an trust God to make it grow. Paul says earlier in 1 Corinthians that, "So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives growth" (3:7).
Let God do the hard work. We can't make people see and respond. God has to work in the hearts and lives of those we are working with. If we try to do it all ourselves, we will just get burnt out because it is a God-sized job. Just love people with all the love God gives you (and trust me, that is a lot). When you love people with the love of Christ, you are planting seeds for God to work with.
This could be as much of a reminder for you as it is for me. I'm a control freak. Yep, I said it. I am. I like having control of my life and the things around me. I'm not necessarily proud of that, but it's something I've come to realize and something I have to work on so I can let God do what He needs to do.
Look into your own life. Where do you need to sow the seeds and where do you just need to let God do what He does best? It's not easy, but it is so worth it.