This blog may be a little unorthodox, but I believe it needs to happen. In Hebrews, Paul says to confess to other believers what your struggles are and what you have been falling short of so that they can keep you accountable in the future. So, that's what I'm going to do. I honestly hope you take something away from this as I go through something that has been on my heart for the past few weeks.
I'm not sure if you have noticed (though you may have, I have no way of knowing), but I haven't written a blog in a long time. One thing I decided when I wanted to make a blog was that everything I wanted to write needed to be biblical and it needed to be something God was telling me at the time. Well, the problem with the past couple of months is that I haven't been hearing what He has been telling me because I haven't been living everyday in Him. Don't worry, I've been working on it. God's been working on my heart to get me to abide in Him. It's not just an every Sunday at church or Thursday at Challenge kind of thing. It's every day. All day. Without ceasing.
A while back I came across a verse in 1 John 2. It tells us to abide in Him and He will abide in us. That's a pretty big commitment. If you don't know what abide means let me help you out. It means to stay, reside, remain, dwell. I love some of these words because they just feel...heavy. Not in a burdensome kind of way. Just in a "these are not to be taken lightly" kind of way. And they really shouldn't be. God doesn't want our seconds. He wants the first choice, the best choice in our life. No, scratch that. He wants it all. When He gets all of us He can work wonders in our life when we let Him take over it all.
It's amazing what can happen when we really truly live like this. God just comes in and takes away all the parts of our lives that are dragging us down. He turns our hearts to live for His plan and His glory and the awesome thing is that we end up wanting to do that for Him. He gives us joy beyond anything we can imagine because we do live fully and truly in Him. The list just goes on and on.
Like I said, I hope something has helped you or opened your eyes, but I understand if not. Some things we just have to figure out on our own.